Welcome to High5 with Dr. Igor Grant, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at UC San Diego. Each month, we’ll take you on a fascinating journey into the evolving world of medicinal cannabis. From groundbreaking research to candid conversations with top scientists and clinicians across the globe. In each episode, Dr. Grant poses five thought-provoking questions to his guest, uncovering their personal journey and unique contributions to the field of medicinal cannabis

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Episode 4 - Brain difference and early substance use: Which comes first?

In this episode, Dr. Grant speaks with Alex P. Miller, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine. This conversation explores the intricate relationship between substance use, genetics, and brain structure, focusing on the ABCD study, which follows children over a decade to understand the onset of substance use and its effects on mental health. Dr. Alex Miller discusses the role of neuroimaging in identifying brain differences that may predispose individuals to substance use, the influence of genetics and environment, and the implications of these findings for understanding addiction and recovery.



Episode 3 - Cannabis use and cardiovascular risk with Jamie Corroon, ND, MPH

In this episode, Dr. Igor Grant speaks with Jamie Corroon, ND, MPH about the impact of cannabis use on cardiovascular health. They explore various studies focusing on heart disease, hypertension, and atherosclerosis, discussing both acute and long-term effects of cannabis. Dr. Corroon shares insights from his research, highlighting the importance of understanding the relationship between cannabis and cardiovascular outcomes, while also addressing the need for more rigorous studies to clarify potential risks.




Episode 2 - Potential Implications of Rescheduling with Igor Grant, MD

In this episode (Recorded in December 2024), Drs. Igor Grant and Jamie Corroon discuss the potential implications of rescheduling cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule III controlled substance. They explore the current scheduling system, the medicinal value of cannabis, the challenges researchers face under Schedule I, and how rescheduling could impact research and funding. They also emphasize the need for harmonization between state and federal laws to facilitate cannabis research.






Episode 1 - Cannabis Impaired Driving with Tom Marcotte, PhD

In this episode, Dr. Tom Marcotte discusses a significant study on the acute effects of cannabis on driving impairment, detailing the methodology, findings, and implications for public safety and law enforcement. The conversation explores how THC levels affect driving performance, the perception of impairment among users, and the challenges of conducting cannabis research in a regulated environment. Future research directions and participant recruitment for upcoming studies are also highlighted.